Competiția de Design Rugvista!


Modern Suzani create de Shelly Penko

United States

United States

This design began as a re-interpretation of the traditional Uzbekistan suzani textiles. It became very complex, and I began taking pieces away until I came up with this flowing, simple design. It no longer looks like a suzani textile, but I am pleased with the organic shapes and flowing movement.

Despre Shelly Penko

I am a fine artist and designer living in Austin, Texas. I graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in fine art in 1986. After graduating, I taught art in public schools for 16 years. I learned a lot from children about art, passion and play. Whether I am painting a work on canvas or designing on the computer, my art is inspired by the joy and sweetness of life and love.

I have always taken great joy in my surroundings; gardens or the ocean outdoors, beautiful interiors...they have the ability to transform my mood. A new notebook with a pretty cover can make me smile everytime I see it. A pretty bed cover can change my whole outlook. Whether it is pretty linens, a lovely carpet, colorful dishes...anything and everything that surrounds me, I love it to be beautiful. Beauty just makes my heart smile. The thought of someone else getting daily pleasure from something beautiful designed by me is why art and surface design are such passions for me!

You can visit my website at

or you can connect with me on facebook at:

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