Competiția de Design Rugvista!
Brush Strokes create de Kristi Haav
"Brush Strokes" is ispired by the dandelions after they have finished blooming and the air is filled with their "escaping" seeds.
"Brush Strokes" on inspireeritud ajast, mil võililled lõpetavad õitsemise ning õhk on täis nende lendlevaid seemneid.
Despre Kristi Haav
Kristi Haav is a textile designer living in Tartu, Estonia. She graduated from Tartu Art College in 2012 with a Bachelor's degree in textile design. Since then she has been focusing on screen printed textiles and creating her own patterns as a designer in a small company called Choosday.
Kristi Haav on tekstiilidisainer, kes elab Tartus. Ta lõpetas 2012. aastal Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli tekstiilierialal. Hetkel töötab ta ettevõttes Choosday, kus ta tegeleb mustrite disaini ning siiditrükiga.